Titarwasa, June 5, 2010: Two of the eight Kanjar hamlets, Narayanpur and Titarwasa, in Patan block have now got 2,000 litres capacity water tank each to augment water supply for household purposes. The tanks are filled with water pumped from wells owned by individuals in each of the hamlets. The tanks are a spinoff effect of well deepening work undertaken by the project in these hamlets. While the deepened well in Titarwasa is owned by an individual, the one in Narayanpur is a community well.
Since handpumps in both the localities have failed to meet the growing demand, the need for tapping additional sources of water supply have been felt for a while. A resolution submitted to the district administration for providing a water pipeline from nearby overhead tank has been pending for consideration. However, the collective actions by the households in each of the kanjar hamlets has eased the situation for now. A monthly fee of between Rs 10 and Rs 15 for each of the households is indeed a bargain for the convenience it offers at the doorsteps.
How indeed the water sharing system gets managed and the source gets protected for sustained supply would need to be closely monitored over time? Of additional interest would be the comparison between individual ownership and community-owned water source. Without doubt, these are early days and there is great enthusiasm amongst 83 households in both the hamlets over the success of their collective action.